*Not all sport tryouts may be 3 days. It will be at the discretion of the Coaching Staff on the number of days needed.
Currently we are in a coop with a few schools with Longmeadow being the host school. You will need to satisfy all 3 requirements above. Even though Longmeadow is the host school, all eligibility requirements above are Minnechaug's responsibility. Once you are registered, you will receive information as to when Longmeadow will be holding their informational meeting. This is where you will find out about ice time, expectations, tryout schedule, game schedule, etc... Lastly, you will need to pay OUR user fee. That will be your only fee paid for participation. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at 599-1831
Please finish your registration FIRST before Paying the user Fee.
Click here to pay online. You do NOT need the Student ID number. Just leave it blank.